Received: 13.09.2021; Revised: 22.10.2021, Accepted: 18.11.2021, Published Online: 08.12.2021


Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar, Indonesia


Haedar Akib

Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia


Anwari Masatip

Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar, Indonesia


Manan Sailan

Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia


Buntu Marannu Eppang

Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar, Indonesia



The development of tourism innovation as the basis for the creative economy is the right solution to anticipate the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world so far, including Indonesia as an archipelago country. Maritime tourism innovation is one of the panaceas of the creative economy because it can turn potential into valuable tourism competencies, both for the public and stakeholders as well as for tourists at Super Priority Destinations (SPD). Data, information, and knowledge about the creative economy based on tourism innovation are obtained through observations, interviews, focus group discussions, and searching for the required documents. The qualitative-descriptive analysis technique was used following the stages of the interactive model, namely data collection, data presentation, data processing, verification-drawing conclusions. The results show that the development of marine tourism innovation is considered as one of the panaceas for efforts to activate the creative economy in SPD in Indonesia. Tourism innovation as the basis for the creative economy is carried out through strengthening the SPD Pillar; Tourism Marketing; Tourism industry; human resources (HR) and Tourism Institutions; innovation in aspects of 5A (attractions, accommodation, accessibility, amenities, and ancillaries), as well as the re-actualization of the quality tourism Sapta Pesona Program. Therefore, to realize public expectations regarding the strengthening of the creative economy based on the development of tourism innovation as a panacea, it is necessary to re-apply the three strategies to encourage research and innovation-oriented towards sustainably increasing added value and competitiveness. Adapting the latest information and communication technology ethically, aesthetically, kinesthetically, effectively, efficiently, sustainably; and managing the 5A-based tourism component through the re-actualization of the Sapta Pesona program.

Keywords: Creative Economy, Tourism Innovation, Sapta Pesona Program; Component 5A of tourism; Panacea.