Received: 24.08.2021; Revised: 30.09.2021, Accepted: 31.10.2021, Published Online: 18.11.2021

Dr. Turki Hassan Abo Alella

Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Umm Al-Qura University


Prof. Elsayed Abdulhameed Ibrahim

Professor, Department of Social Work, Umm Al-Qura University


The current research aims to identify the expected positive effects of allowing Saudi women to drive cars at the personal, economic and global levels. It is one of the descriptive researches that relied on the social survey method through a simple random sample of Saudi universities, which numbered (11) universities, and on the purposive sample of female students of Saudi public universities, which amounted to (1590) students. The questionnaire form was used as a data collection tool. The results showed that the most important effects associated with women’s driving at the personal level are (the fulfillment of personal needs, self-reliance, taking responsibility, feeling of independence, increasing self-confidence and feeling of empowerment). Moreover, The results showed that the most important effects associated with women’s driving  at the economic level are ( saving the expenses associated with the private driver, Saving expenses associated with taxi transportation, Reducing the proportion of expatriate workers and Saudization, Increase job opportunities and Maintain and protect the car from any damage that may be caused to it. Finally, the results showed that the most important effects associated with women’s driving at the global level are (Strengthening the rights of Saudi women globally and Changing the negative perception of Saudi women globally).

Keywords: Expected Effects, Women Driving a Car