Dr. Ulfat Nisa

Assistant Professor at Department of Applied Psychology, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.


Hina Zahra

Lecturer at Department of Applied Psychology, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.


Anam Saif

Lecturer at Department of Leadership and Management Studies, National Defense University, Islamabad, Pakistan.


Dr Amaria Atta

Assistant Professor at Department of Arts and Humanities, Superior University Faisalabad, Pakistan.


Sundas Malik

PhD. Scholar at Department of History and Pakistan Studies, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan. (correspondence author)


Human trafficking, much like prostitution, has a long and storied history. Human trafficking today is a global phenomenon, affecting men, women and children in over 130 countries of the world. Humans have been auctioned off for exorbitant sums of money. It’s also common knowledge that drug cartels profit from trafficking human beings. And then the drug lords provide money to terrorist organizations to use for their own purposes. Because the criminals’ methods of operation are becoming more complicated and subtle as the crime continues to advance, a multidisciplinary strategy to combat human trafficking is not only suggested but also needed. This paper identifies some of the most notable social, physical and psychological impacts of human trafficking and outlines important policy considerations. Terrorism and human trafficking have equally devastating effects on society. Human trafficking has been widely reported to have ties to terrorism in recent years, especially in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe region. In order to better understand the intersection of these two independent and complex crimes, this research critically analyses the moral and policy frameworks guiding action against human trafficking and terrorism. Also discussed are the ways in which anti-trafficking tools can be used to combat terrorism in order to locate and protect trafficking victims and bring those responsible to justice, as well as the inherently exploitative nature of terrorist organizations as seen through the lens of human trafficking through the use of illustrative examples that show elements of trafficking.

Keywords: Human trafficking, Terrorism, Global Issue, Climate Change, Kidnapping