Received: 19.09.2021; Revised: 28.10.2021, Accepted: 26.11.2021, Published Online: 20.12.2021


M.B.A.,M.Phil.,Phd., Associate Professor, Department of Management Science, Kongu Arts and Science College, Erode, E-Mail ID:


Mrs. P.Geetha  Maheswari

M.BA.,M.Phil.,PGDCA, Ph.d Research Scholar, Department of Management Science, Kongu Arts and Science College, Erode, E-Mail ID:



Workaholic nurses had higher risks for impaired awakening, insufficient sleep, and workplace sleepiness which affects the well being. Workaholics work harder than their job prescriptions requirements  and they put much more effort into their jobs than is expected by the people with whom or for whom they work, and indoing so they neglect their life outside their job. Typically, they work so hard out of an inner compulsion, need, or drive, and not because of external factors such as financial rewards, career perspectives, organisational culture, or poor marriage. This is contingent with the idea that workaholics are motivated by a strong inner drive rather than by external motivators (Spence & Robbins, 1992).Nevertheless, it appears that a weak positive relationship exists between workaholism, and job satisfaction and organisational commitment. The major work outcomes that have been studied in relation to burnout are job satisfaction and organisational commitment. The large aggregation of previous studies focused on the correlation between workaholism and well-being, while some on the psychological mechanism of workaholics. Studies have indicated that there are two aspects of the behavior pattern of workaholics: on the one hand, long hours of work and dilemma to separate from work scarcely provide workaholics enough time and opportunity to recover energy, resulting in fatigue, burnout, negative emotions and other negative consequences; on the other hand, immersion in work produces favourable work experience, high job satisfaction and positive psychological feelings.This study explores the psychological mechanism between workaholics and well-being, hoping to further reveal the relationship and influence path between them

Key words –Burnout, Workaholics, Subjective well being, Financial Rewards, Exhaustion