Received: 17.09.2021; Revised: 26.10.2021, Accepted: 22.11.2021, Published Online: 14.12.2021


Daniel A. Velasquez-Mantilla

Docente Maestría en educación Inclusiva e Intercultural, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios



Human diversity is recreated through the representation of new forms of existence that occur in the face of encounters, relationships and mutual respect. Belonging to a political community implies defining clear relationship guidelines that make available the visions, forms and colors that characterize contemporary societies. COODIL, is a reflection of such noble purposes, through an exercise of Participatory Action Research, it is possible to transform a scenario of exclusion based mainly on the hegemonies of normality. It is the implementation of a cooperative of labor inclusion that thinks of a different place for income generation, rethinks the purposes of the dominant economies, through disruptive practices that question the logics of production, distribution and consumption known.

Keywords: Diversity, Cooperation, Social Transformation, Participatory Action Research, Productivity